Maybe you want to take up running? Maybe you ran a while ago but you’ve lost all your confidence?
Five months ago I was offered an opportunity to take over a running club. I’m a personal trainer with a private studio in Earlsdon already, so the running club seemed like a great add on to what we were already doing. My studio is right next to a gorgeous park and surrounded by decent street run routes. So I did it! Five months in and I’ve learned so much about beginners starting running or coming back to running, and why so many people just don’t get started.
Running seems to be this thing that a lot of people idolise or fantasise about. I often hear things like “I’d love to run” and “I’ve always wanted to run”.
Well I’ve got a huge news flash for you… YOU CAN RUN!
Of course some people have disabilities or injuries that prevent them from running, but if you don’t and you have the ability to walk then your ability to run is built in! It’s a wonderful, free gift.
People don’t run for lots of reasons. Here are some reasons which I hear, but most are really just excuses:
- My boobs are too big
- I can’t run
- I can’t breath
- It hurts when I run
- I feel silly
- Everyone is watching me
- I look silly
- I’m too unfit to run
I could go on….
The thing i’ve learned most of all is that all this comes down to one thing and one reason why people never start or if they do start they give up quickly. It’s not bad technique, it’s not fitness, it’s not because they look silly…It’s simply SELF CONFIDENCE!
Male or female that above list is enough to make you go crazy. We all worry about how we look when we exercise and in fact most of us exercise in order to look better – so without it, it’s a vicious cycle! So, what can we do to start running if we feel like this?
- Find people to run with. Of course you can join our Monday night beginners class if you’re local but that’s not your only option. It might be a friend, sibling or work colleague but I bet you if you have a group of friends bigger than 3 people there will be someone who has been feeling the same and wanting to run.
- Get an app. There are loads of free Couch to 5k or 10k apps which take you through a walk/run training programme building you up to 5km or 10km straight running.
- Ask for advice. I’m always happy to talk to anyone about getting started as will any good trainer near you. So don’t be afraid to ask a personal trainer or running coach for good advice.
- Check your kit. Don’t spend loads of money on new kit, there is really no need but a good pair of supportive trainers and a supportive sports bra for those who need it are your only essentials. If you’re going to keep going with running then comfortable leggings and a t shirt will see you a good long way.
- Believe in yourself! YOU CAN RUN! You can do it. You just need to start small. Most people run too quick and too fast and get stitch, feel exhausted and wonder why anyone ever goes running. Start with some small run/walk intervals using a timer or lamposts (run one, walk two) and build up slowly. Every metre run is better than a metre not so go for it!
Please let me know how you get on and remember….when you’re not a beginner any more – please encourage others to do the same. This week seeing two ladies who started in our beginners class complete 8.6km continuous run was a tremendous feeling for me (never mind how good they felt!). Once you get into it, it’s just one foot in front of the other 😉
If you’re on the fence, then hop off and go for a run!