Guest blog from the wonderful Ros Johnson at Reboot and Release. Reboot and Release run programmes and courses to help people take control, set goals and make changes in their life. Ros has a wealth of experience working with people who want to turn their life around and make a positive fresh start. If you want more information about Reboot and Release then check out their website

Why do we not do the things we know we should?

It’s a natural instinctive reaction to push back when we are pushed, we all do it. If someone tells us to do something we often don’t want to – so we push back. We are not usually conscious of this response, we do it subconsciously. Sometimes we even tell ourselves that we need/must/ought to do something and we still push back.headache_198243
How do we do that?
Typically we do it in one of three ways. We push back through procrastination, creative avoidance, or by working to the minimum standard that we can get away with (…oh that will do!)
So, let’s suppose that we have decided we want to lose weight. We tell ourselves we must eat healthily, we ought to exercise, we should do this every day and we mustn’t eat chocolate!
Once we tell ourselves that we need/must/ought to do something we immediately start ‘pushing back’. This might involve doing the minimum amount of exercise (just enough to convince your personal trainer or yourself that you are working hard!) It also might involve eating healthily some of the time then telling yourself a few treats are fine, or you might just keep putting it off and thinking well I’ve got that wedding coming up or that work do, I’ll start after that!

Pretty young woman with arms raised standing on beach
So what’s the answer?
First of all, recognise that this is what is happening and own it! Regain the control.
Think about what YOU want.
Do you really want to lose weight, be healthier or lose the love handles? If you really do, then embrace the idea like it is your best friend. Love it!
Ditch the ‘I must, should or ought to do it’. Embrace the ‘I love to do this because I am so excited about the outcome! I want to be fit and healthy, I enjoy my new healthy diet and as a result I have so much more energy!’
So, embrace it, like it, love it, enjoy it, and the results will astound you!

Ros Johnson, Co-founder of Reboot and Release

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